Our offer

We become your IT expert!

Let us become you partner in every question IT related, starting with cloud services, database, security, workflow managment over interfaces and web APIs. Regardless on what technology your tech stack is based.

Whether Microsoft, Linux, Azure, AWS, Google Cloud-Services, your own infrastrukture or a mix of all together – we provide you the right answers to make reliable as well as responsible decisions. We develope along side with you high end solutions that integrate seamless and are accessible through the web on every platform.

In times of „scalability“, „artificial intelligence“, „smart“ and „big data“ are used for almost every thing inflationary, we support you with deep knowledge and experience in those regards to check every aspect of their economics before expensive decisions are made.

Our tech stack comprises of Symfony, Angular, PHP, TypeScript, JavaScript and virtually every common web standards like CSS, XML, SVG, HTML, etc. In terms of database management we prefer relational database systems like MySQL, MariaDB, OracleDB, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL as well as document based database systems when their application is superior to rdbms. Git, Mercurial or SVN are standard, of course.