Software Development
Since 27 years we develope communication systems based on web technologies. To ensure the accessibility to your solutions at every time from where ever you are, just like the web itself.
One of the most demanding apects is the coordination of every participating actors during the project development. We assist you on that behalf. Since 2003 we provide assistance to the management. Whether during the development or simply as a second voice during ciritcal IT decisions.
We do have collected more than 2 decades of knowledge in analysis and understanding of complex data schemes in a broad variety of different relational and document based database solutions.
We design individual and performant database schemes from the ground up or take on existing designs to reorder and restructure existing databases to bringt their potential to its fullest. It does not matter whether it is a rather small database with several million datasets or large multi billion datasets.
Business Information
We make your komplex data collections look amazing and let them talk for them self. Just ask us about reporting and buisness intelligence solutions. We will find the perfect way to present your data in an informative and understandable manner.
Application- and Datamigration
IT and communication are subject to constant change. Neither you can freeze the progress nor stop the evolution. We plan, develope and deploy your migrated appplications along your side in your corporation. From our experience with large companies we know, it takes time until every thing runs flawless and in perfection. We are with you until this whole process is finished and everyone is satisfied.